Wednesday, January 28, 2009

snow day

So remember those days when you would pray so hard that the snow would just pile up during the night and there would be no school the next day? Yeah? You remember? Darn it! Then stop wishing for it! I couldn't even make it out of the driveway for internship today. Which I guess is a good thing, Carrie called said DO NOT come in, one interpreter had driven off the road and she wanted everyone to stay home and be safe. Only problem....Its not my home so I feel very wierd.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day Numero Dos!

Boring! I only observed one assignment.... A boring ho-hom govermental type meeting where everyone is monotone...blah blah blah. Poor interpreter, the sound quality was terrible and I did help a bit to feed her what she missed. Next assignment was at CPS, but it was a no-call no-show. Makes me sad, I was gonna see CDI-ness in action! Then we started snowing.....supposedly we are going to get 4-7 inches tonight, and everyone out here drives crazy in the snow... Oh well, I might get tomorrow off if schools are closed, my mentor won't be able to come in and she said she's the only one according her agreement with Julie to mentor me.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day One!

Day one is almost half completed. As we can all tell I made out to my host family without too much trouble. I did however get lost this morning. Kind of a funny thing too. I wrote the right address down for dcs, but when I programmed it into my gps, I must not have been paying attention and put kingsley drive instead of kingsway drive. Gee, only two letters were wrong, but it took me to the other side of keystone. Which is a major road that connects my host family to dcs. I panicked of course, called information because I freaked and when they confirmed the address and I saw that I had put it in wrong in the gps, I allowed myself some relief. So that's by far the most nerve-wrenching event of the day. I beat my mentor here, she was running behind so I was able to calm myself down before she showed up. Yay! I also have already had my first hands up assignment. Ok, so it wasn't like a real paid assignment that they would send me on, but it was an informal meeting between a deaf staff member for dcs and another department representative. I told my mentor that I wanted to work on staying in interpreter mode while interpreting one-on-one settings, and she quickly put me in a situation to experience. My host family is great and I really like them. They have really opened their home up to me and really made me feel welcome. So even though I was nervous and scared just yesterday, I am feeling much calmer and welcomed now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just a few more days.....

I don't know about everyone else, but its a just a few days until d-day and I am starting to get butterflies in my tummy. I know that this is going to be an awesome experience and I know that I will have a lot of fun. So why am I getting so nervous? It's because its a new experience. A new adventure. An unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. I know that I am just getting nervous over nothing. Like when I first came out to Goshen College. I was scared, I didn't want to go and I cried, a lot. I didn't know anyone when I came out here and now I have friends, I know people and I will miss them when its over. The same will happen in just a week. I will be scared, I may wish to change my mind when I start driving, and I might cry. Shoot I may even cry now. In 10 weeks, I will have friends, I will know people and I may not want to leave. Its kind of funny the things you react to when you know that it will be alright. God is watching over me and everyone else leaving and I know that everything is going to be great. Even if the butterflies in my tummy don't want to go away.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday night

So party is over.... Got home, read emails, found that we're doing this blog thing. Which is pretty cool. I blog all the time on another website, so I'm used to this stuff. But this will be my GC internship blog. Don't want you all knowing about my personal troubles and stuff. LOL. Well I will do my best to be honest and let you all know about how I am doing. Seriously doubt that I will be writing in it too much before I leave. You know me and work.... :D But I will try and make this a regular thing on internship. I look forward to reading everyone else's and keeping in touch with you all. I will miss everyone and can't wait until our 10 weeks are up and we are all back in class together. Sure will be wierd after this year is over.