Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just a few more days.....

I don't know about everyone else, but its a just a few days until d-day and I am starting to get butterflies in my tummy. I know that this is going to be an awesome experience and I know that I will have a lot of fun. So why am I getting so nervous? It's because its a new experience. A new adventure. An unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people. I know that I am just getting nervous over nothing. Like when I first came out to Goshen College. I was scared, I didn't want to go and I cried, a lot. I didn't know anyone when I came out here and now I have friends, I know people and I will miss them when its over. The same will happen in just a week. I will be scared, I may wish to change my mind when I start driving, and I might cry. Shoot I may even cry now. In 10 weeks, I will have friends, I will know people and I may not want to leave. Its kind of funny the things you react to when you know that it will be alright. God is watching over me and everyone else leaving and I know that everything is going to be great. Even if the butterflies in my tummy don't want to go away.

1 comment:

  1. You'll be totally awesome! God is totally watching out for you, I mean come on, he got you to Goshen to meet all of us and now you're headed to Indy with a great family! The experience, whether good or awesome will be one to remember!!!
