Thursday, February 19, 2009

Almost halfway through

Things are getting better out here definitely. We found out yesterday that if you're not on the approved list of visitors you can't get into prison. So I guess its a good thing it is not that easy to get into prison. Haha. I had to stay out and wait for my mentor to finish the assignment. Afterwards when we discussed what she did, I was very glad that I didn't get to go inside with her. I was starting to feel very defensive and upset for the deaf client and that would have been bad for me in there. Even 24 hours later, I am still feeling very defensive for the deaf client. I feel like all of their rights to communication have been taken away, and that really bothers me.

Still without my computer. The agency that I am at has told me to bring it in and see if the IT guys can fix it for me. So its here with me today. Hopefully they can, I would love to have it working again.

I am starting to look for places that my car can sit at when I am gone. I don't want to have to pay tons of money to the airport for my car to be there for almost 2 weeks. I was going to ask the family that I am staying with if my car could sit there for that time but I am getting the feeling that I need to get out of there as soon as I can. Maybe I am just misinterpreting what they are saying to me. Who knows? I will try and figure out what they mean when I feel brave enough to ask them to clarify.

So I guess that is all.

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