Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Latest update on Amber and her baby Aiden-

Ok this is just copy and pasted from the bulletin that Janelle (Amber's mom) posted to let everyone know how Amber and Aiden are doing. So some of this information might not pertain to you but instead of going through and picking out the parts that I was going to paste, I decided to be lazy.

Amber was released from EGH today... she has a walker and wheelchair.. it felt like it took FOREVER for them to release her!!!But after a very long drive to South Bend Memorial...Mommy got to hold her babyLemme tell ya... I've been around for a lotta years... and seen a lotta things... and never in my life have I seen anything as.... there are no words... emotional...... touching..... unbelievable..... yeah, none of those words come close....Everyone cried... some of us lost it completely and had to hide in the bathroom with their face buried in their hands sobbing.... even Amber's tough old dad, James... and tough lil brother Nick... were emotional.Nick has been so helpful through this entire ordeal... supportive and helping in any way he can...Baby's daddy, Chris, has been by Amber's side nearly the entire time... He helps her as best as he can and is really there for Amber!Ron and Alyssa have been supportive with keeping me together for the past several days... I dunno what I would have done without them....April, Amber's and my friend... wow... I owe April so much... because of her quick action and taking Amber to the ER... I don't even want to type or say what the doctors say would have happened to both Amber and Aiden... April is amazing anyhow... ok so she's twenty something and acts older than I do most times... but she's been an amazing friend and of all the people around during this.... this.... thing.... she was my rock. She helped me keep it all together when everything was breaking apart around me.James and Crystal, that's Amber's dad and step-mom... they've been amazing through all of this... any animosity was put behind and we focused on Ally and Aiden... the way it should be... they have just been so much help and support for Ally.. I'm very thankful they were there during all of this.. and I know there is no place they'd rather have been either.So I've gotten an lot of texts and such regarding visiting Amber and Aiden...First off, the baby shower is obviously off for a few weeks...But like tonight... we're letting mommy and daddy spend alone time with Aiden.. There can only be two people in with him at a time anyhow... so honestly, Ally does not want visitors at Memorial...Please don't take that wrong... she appreciates your love and support... but she only hours ago... got to see her baby for the first time ever... she needs this time to bond and concentrate on only that... Aiden still has a lil battle ahead of him.. he's winning... but he and mommy need their rest and alone time....Thank you so much for being so understanding... like i said... i know she appreciates those who want to come see her and show their support... but even grandmas and grandpas know when it's best to step back and let their baby girl become a mommy.Thank you for your prayers and love... it's been overwhelming... people from work and friends and church and... people we don't know... wow... just keep praying for Aiden to continue to gain strength.. that's the best gift you can give Amber right now.

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