Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

To all of you lovebirds out there-happy valentines day! I actually had a pretty good day. I got to see Lynda and Melissa today at the ICRID board meeting. It was great to see them. I really miss everyone on campus. You know you all can call, or write or you know something. But anyways, we all went out to applebees with my mentor and another interpreter. They caught me up on stuff happening back on campus, and let me tell ya, I feel sorry for you all. Ok not really that sorry because you're not out here in our shoes, you're safe on campus. But it does sound like some things are kind of sucking on campus. No worries though, we'll be back on campus in no time.

After lunch, my mentor took me to see a broadway production. You know I think I could get used to some of these interpreting perks. She got two comp tickets to see moving out, because she is interpreting it tomorrow. And she picked me to go. Wahoo! It was really good, and we even got lost downtown. Hehe.

I'm still counting down the days until I get leave this place, but you know its starting to get better. I found that I can ask my mentor to clarify what she means when she says something and also that there are people here who want to see me succeed. I know that I hated my first few weeks here and that will never change. I am also learning to keep my mouth shut about some things. However, life is getting easier for me here.

Tomorrow I will be heading off to church to watch the interpreter and fulfill one more requirement for my independent study. I also get to meet a deaf boy and his family. This is the boy that I am supposed to be babysitting in exchange for me staying here. So we'll see how that goes.

Oh and the great news, I am now a size 16 in pants! Yay! For those of you who knew me when I first came to Goshen, I was wearing a size 22. This is definitely a huge improvement. My total weight loss is 50 pounds! I am still shooting for more and I am not giving up on my goal of fitting into a size 12 for graduation. But I am succeeding! I am very proud of myself, and kickboxing is not kicking my butt anymore, I'm doing better at it and not leaving like I am gonna puke.

Now if only I could finish the socks for my little brother....

Until next time~

1 comment:

  1. It was good to see you too! I'm glad we got the chance to go out.

    Don't feel bad! Things aren't bad! Just... a little unexpected in a couple of ways.

    Congratulations on your weight loss by the way! I noticed but wasn't sure if I should say something. You go girl!

